Spring- motivation

Spring- motivation

Spring flowers in a tree

We have been longing for spring way to long now. Are you tired of dark and cold evenings as everyone else? We will help you find the last motivation you need to hold on a few more days until spring is here!

- Seating outdoor
In Sweden we are all longing for 1st January since it is the day when the coffee shops, restaurants and bars is aloud to bring out their outdoor seating on the streets. A glass of whine or a great coffee in the sun with great company on a cosy outdoor seating is hard to beat. Can it just be 1st January today, please?

- More sunny hours
The last autumn hit the record of the fewest sun-hours in years and therefor our bodies are now screaming after sun and vitamin D. The fact that we soon are going to work with the sun rising in the morning gives us new energy and we are soon able to keep our energy during the entire day because of the light.

- Spring clothes
When the sun is here so are also the heath and we can then start to switch clothes. Put away all your big and heavy jackets along with the heavy boots that takes all the space you have in the hallway. Put them away in the basement where you can not be distracted of them for at least six months and bring up all the light jackets that we have been waiting to use without freezing to death.

- Get rid of the cough
Are you the lucky one that have not been affected by the cold this winter? Lucky you!
The most people have at least once got the flue during the last months. The cold weather brings cold and other diseases and that is for sure something that is becoming a lot easier in spring. You can now start to clean out your bags of napkins and sooner than you think replace them with sun protection instead! 😉

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